Help mitigate wildfire risk

Through CORE Protect, our wildfire mitigation program, CORE is committed to the mitigation of wildfire risk and protection of
our members, employees and distribution system.

We encourage members – especially those served by overhead lines – to take the following actions to help us reduce the risk of wildfire ignition and spread.

• Survey your property and call us at (800) 332-9540 to report any vegetation that touches lines, transformers or other CORE equipment or facilities. Also report any vegetation that looks singed, browned or scorched by lines and equipment, even if it doesn’t appear to be making contact at the time you report.

• Report any fully dead trees – evergreens that are completely brown, or trees that have no leaves or needles – or trees that appear to have rot and/or insects in them and looks tall enough to hit our lines and other equipment if they fall.

• Let us know about excessive vegetation around poles topped by transformers.

• Do not attempt to trim or clear vegetation near or touching CORE equipment. We will mitigate it free of charge.

• If you plan to plant any trees or other vegetation, place them so they will not grow to interfere with lines, transformers and other equipment.

• Do not plant any vegetation below CORE powerlines or in close proximity (20 feet) to CORE poles.

• No trees or shrubs should be planted within 10 feet of the front of underground equipment boxes, or 4 feet on other sides.

• Please let us know if you observe any CORE equipment that appears to be cracked, scorched, or otherwise damaged, and any lines that look frayed or detached.