Rate Structure

In September 2021, CORE Electric Cooperative modernized most rates by implementing a three-part design.

Residential Rate Structure

CORE’s residential rate is composed of three parts that are included in the Current Activity portion of your monthly bill:

1 Service Charge
Our basic service charge is $17.25 per month for all residential accounts. This charge, which is lower than the average of $20 among other Colorado electric utilities, helps CORE cover just some of our infrastructure and administrative costs.

2 Energy Charge
This is the charge for the total energy a member consumes over a billing period, and is based on the volume of total kilowatt-hours (kWh) consumed and each member’s respective rate.

3 Demand Charge
This helps us maintain the grid and deliver reliable power during the times in which our member base typically consumes the most energy. Starting with September 2022 bills, this charge will be $3 multiplied by your highest usage over a 60-minute period between the “on-peak” hours of 4 and 8 p.m. It is charged only once per billing cycle. You can control this charge by staggering energy usage between 4 and 8 p.m. daily.

Non-Residential Rate Structure

Starting with September 2022 bills, some non-residential rates will also be composed of three parts:

1 Service Charge
The basic service charge for non-residential accounts is a flat monthly charge that varies based on rate class.

2 Energy Charge
This is the charge for the total energy a member consumes over a billing period, and is based on the volume of total kilowatt-hours (kWh) consumed and each member’s respective rate.

3 Demand Charge
This charge varies by rate class. It is calculated by multiplying your demand (kW) rate by your highest usage over a 15-minute period in your billing cycle. Demand is charged only once per billing cycle. You can control this charge by staggering energy usage over the course of the day.

Rate Schedules

Your basic service charge, energy charge and demand charge are determined by your account’s rate schedule. View CORE Electric Cooperative’s full rate schedules here. Your rate schedule is identified on your monthly bill, next to “Rate” in the Account Information portion at the top left of the first page.

Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment

Due to the increasing volatility of power costs, CORE applies a Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment (WPCA) to each bill. The WPCA rate is adjusted quarterly in response to, or in anticipation of, power cost variances so CORE may either recover power costs from members or return them to members. This variable rate rider allows us to true-up actual wholesale power cost variances from previously forecasted amounts to better protect our overall financial stability.

Additional Information

Click on a question below for additional insight from CORE Rates Analyst David Stowe and Engineering Services Manager Michelle McAndrew.