06 Nov
My Usage, accessible via the SmartHub app or web-based SmartHub at www.CORE.coop, is your source for detailed, easy-to-read info about your electric usage. Here are three of the most powerful ways you can use it to make informed decisions and save money on your electric bill:
Identify periods of high usage
View your power usage over custom periods of time and identify where you can make adjustments or minimize demand during the daily “on-peak” period of 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. You can also catch anomalies such as steady high usage or the effect of seasonal power needs. To view your daily, weekly and monthly usage, select My Usage > Usage Explorer. As a default, Usage Explorer will display your kilowatt-hours (kWh) consumed daily, but you can toggle it to show your daily cost, based on your rate. The weather for each day is also displayed to analyze impact.
Create event markers
This tool is especially helpful for monitoring the effectiveness of steps you have taken to be more energy efficient — installation of insulated windows or a new water heater, for example. To use it, access Planning under My Usage, then click Add New. Select the date — past or future — to which you would like to place a marker, add a Title and optional Description, and click Submit Marker. The marker will appear on the usage graph within Usage Explorer. Compare the data on the left of the marker to that on the right of the marker to gauge differences in usage.
Export your usage data
Your detailed usage data can be exported and saved in either XML or CSV format for use with third-party software and services. Within Usage Explorer, click Green Button Download My Data. Select the dates and interval for which you would like data, then your preferred file format. You can use the downloaded data yourself in most spreadsheet programs, or for virtual energy audits and other services offered by vendors that are part of the Green Button Initiative. Visit www.greenbuttondata.org for additional info about the Green Button Initiative.
Using SmartHub for the first time? Two easy ways to enroll and access:
• Click on My Account Login in the upper right of this website. Select the sign-up option next to “New User?” and follow the registration prompts. You will need your CORE account number, and answers to the identity verification questions must match account info exactly.
• Search for “SmartHub” in the App Store on your iOS device or Google Play on your Android device. Once the app is downloaded, open it and follow the instructions. When prompted, select “CORE Electric Cooperative” as your provider and select “Register now,” then follow the registration prompts.