Celebrate National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

CORE is committed to providing you with low- to no-cost actions to take control of your energy costs. Falling on January 10, National Cut Your Energy Costs Day serves as a reminder to take steps toward reducing your energy consumption and, in turn, trimming your monthly bill. Here are some practical tips:

Assess your home’s heating system: ​
Make sure your pipes, ducts and attics are insulated and replace any old furnace, air conditioner or heat pump filters. Schedule regular maintenance for your HVAC system.

Optimize your home’s insulation:
Check for air leaks around windows, doors and ducts. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal these small gaps. For bigger gaps, consider installing door sweeps and draft stoppers. A great option for insulation is thermal curtains or blinds to keep heat in during the winter and out during the summer. You can find them in various styles and colors to serve as a great addition to your home.

Utilize smart technology:
Take advantage of smart thermostat and energy management systems that allow you to monitor temperature remotely. These devices learn your preferences and adjust the temperature accordingly, ensuring comfort when you need it and energy savings when you don’t.

Upgrade to LED bulbs:
Swap out traditional incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient LED ones. Though they may be slightly pricier upfront, LED bulbs last longer and use significantly less energy, leading to substantial savings in the long run.

Make some habit adjustments:
Including but not limited to unplugging appliances when not in use, avoiding running the faucet continuously, and waiting until you have a full load of dishes or laundry before running your machines.

We also encourage you to monitor your energy usage and account options using CORE Control.

For more home energy savings tips, please visit this page.