05 Sep
On September 5, the USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) announced the first round of finalists for the Empowering Rural America New ERA program. CORE is proud to be among the cooperatives in the final round. The $9.7 billion program is part of the Inflation Reduction Act and is available to member-owned rural electric cooperatives, which have been the backbone of America’s rural power delivery for nearly a century.
If awarded, the grant funds would be utilized for new clean energy projects that would support CORE’s energy transition in the coming years. As one of the largest distribution cooperatives in the country, CORE is well positioned to implement this program in alignment with state goals. This funding opportunity is part of CORE’s broader grant strategy, the cooperative continues to evaluate various funding opportunities along with their associated compliance costs and benefits to the membership. CORE looks forward to continuing to work with federal partners to advance the application.
Learn more at Empowering Rural America Program: Project Announcements | Rural Development (usda.gov).