Tips for new homeowners

The process of setting up utilities for a new home can be complex, that’s why we’re here to make it easier. Start by downloading our Energy Usage Guide to see the common appliances and the amount of power required to operate each based on CORE’s residential rate. Here are some additional tips that can help you save money and energy:

Energy-efficient appliances
Keep a look out for the Energy Star label. These products are certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and use less energy than others.

Energy-efficient windows
Old and leaky windows are a huge entry point for cold air in the winter and heat in the summer. While it’s an investment upfront, having properly installed double-pane windows can save you money over time.

Energy-efficient lighting
Like turning lights off in rooms when you leave them, making small investments in energy-efficient bulbs like LED will have a positive impact on your utility costs.

Additional tips to save money on home utilities:

• Install rooftop solar if it makes sense for your home.

• Replace the water heater if it’s old.

• Use a programmable thermostat to raise/lower the temperature when you’re not home.

• Replace furnace air filters regularly.

• Unplug electronics when not in use.

Take advantage of SmartHub

The SmartHub app or web-based SmartHub at is your one stop shop for managing your payments, updating your contact information and accessing your usage. Here are three of the most powerful ways you can use My Usage to make informed decisions and save money on your bill:

• Identify periods of high usage

• Create event markers to monitor effectiveness of steps you’ve taken such as installation of new windows.

• Export your usage data for use with third-party software and services.

For more information, visit > My Account > My Usage.