24 Feb IREA continues push for RTO
IREA is working with legislators to make a regional transmission organization (RTO) a reality in Colorado. RTOs allow generators and utilities...
IREA is working with legislators to make a regional transmission organization (RTO) a reality in Colorado. RTOs allow generators and utilities...
Recent widespread power outages in Texas and other parts of the country are a good reminder that weather often causes...
IREA’s utility-scale Pioneer Solar facility began power production in December and is expected to reach full operating capacity this month. The...
IREA will build on the success of last year’s free shred event by staging multiple events in 2021. This year we...
Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA), an electric cooperative based in Sedalia, CO, has announced the hiring of a new Chief...
Residential customers typically see higher bills due to seasonal cold temperatures. This seems like a statement of the obvious, but...
IREA currently purchases all of the output of the 12.8-megawatt Victory Solar project north of Bennett, Colorado. In 2019 we...
IREA typically receives over 50% of its energy from Comanche Unit 3, the 750-megawatt super-critical, pulverized coal power plant near...
Graduating high school seniors can apply for one of IREA’s education grants. We will award 35 graduating high school seniors grants...
IREA Chief Executive Officer Patrick Mooney plans to retire in 2021. Mooney has served as CEO since 2011. Formerly a practicing...